It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you in this first school-wide newsletter. I would like to welcome you all again to Kindi. I am grateful for your confidence in the school and for entrusting is with your children to nurture and educate. It is an honor to be in service our Kindi community.
The school is bustling with many new faces of teachers and students. The positive energy that goes around the school every day inspires me ang gets me motivated to work harder to advance the school and add new programs to our collection. This same energy is one main reason for students to take the initiative in their education and to engage daily with their teachers and classmates in a constructive and self-fulfilling way.
Kindi is not just your child’s school; It is your family’s community. In Kindi, we strive to foster a sense of unity and pride amongst our staff, students, and families, making the school a vibrant hub of activity and connection. This translates to better academic achievement for students and a stronger feeling of belonging.
I am proud of the direction our High School program is heading into. We built up the enrollment and added many class offerings to our students. We are offering at least seven AP College Level courses to our students. Those are classes that will save our students loads of tuition in college as well as allow them to graduate faster. We are adding new tools this year that will facilitate student counseling and college admission. We will be participating in clubs and competitions that score high on graduate’s resume. We will continue investing in High School and building our profile in that area over the coming years.
Kindi is investing more resources in the Athletic Program this year and over the next years. We will be adding an Athletic Director position to our staff who will work on increasing and diversifying our athletics offerings to meet the needs of all ages in the school. We feels strongly that athletics strengthens the school spirit and allows children to channel their energies in a positive way as well as teaches them how to be part of a team’s success.
This is only a portion of what we have in store for our students and families. One fact for sure: we won’t be able to do this alone. We need your help and support through this journey. Parents and teachers are the two most important groups of people to raise the child. The rest of the village come next.
I would like to end by thanking the parents who are active in KAPA (Kindi Academy Parent Association) for their continued effort to make Kindi a pleasant second home for all children. Your work is noted and it makes a difference. Thank you dearly!
I wish everyone in Kindi a great success this year and happy Fall season.
Warm regards,
Hatem Elagha Executive Director Kindi Academy
Message from the Dean
Dear Kindi Community,
I am so excited to be back in the classroom to kick off the month of October! This month, our theme is Kindness, and we have a variety of exciting events planned to celebrate and encourage this important value.
At Kindi, we place great emphasis on kindness and empathy. Throughout October, we’ll be discussing how showing kindness to others, taking care of our environment, and maintaining cleanliness are all essential parts of being a person of good character. Students will have opportunities to participate in activities that promote kindness, both in their interactions with one another and in how they care for their surroundings.
As part of our October events, we are also launching an Anti-Bullying Poster Competition, where students can creatively express the importance of standing up against bullying and supporting one another. This competition is a great way for students to reflect on the power of kindness and send a strong message about the importance of respect and inclusion.
In addition, we’re excited to announce "Lunch with the Dean" this month! Selected students will have the chance to enjoy lunch with me, where we can chat and discuss their thoughts on kindness, empathy, and how they see these values making a difference in our school community.
I’m looking forward to seeing all the wonderful acts of kindness from our students this month and to witnessing their creativity in the poster competition.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and let’s make October a month full of kindness and compassion!
Ms. Ahed Abufeelat “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But, people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
Message from the Curriculum Director
Greetings Kindi Eagles,
I hope this new school year has gotten off to a great start for everyone! It’s hard to believe I am beginning my fifth year with the Kindi community. After serving as a Classroom Teacher, Technology Coach, and Dean of Students, I am excited to transition into the role of Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Kindi Academy is known for our rigorous academic programs, graduating students at least 1-2 years above their grade level, and I look forward to overseeing our academics and ensuring we maintain this reputation for years to come.
The Montessori approach in our Early Childhood and Lower Elementary Programs provides a solid foundation for students, building their independence and thirst for knowledge. These qualities serve them well when entering the Upper Elementary and Middle School programs. Students finishing 8th Grade at Kindi have graduated completing Geometry and Algebra II in Math. In Social Studies, students get exposure to Geography, Civics, Economics/Financial Literacy, Ancient World History, Modern World History, and a full year of US History covering Pre-Columbus to the present day…all before graduating 8th grade! In Science, students cover Earth/Space Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics…all full year courses completed by the end of 8th grade. You’ll find our English curriculum is known for our strong writing programs. Naturally, our students are very well prepared to tackle Honors and AP level coursework going into High School. In fact, some of our High School students that have been with Kindi since the beginning, to quote Dr. Jones, are writing close to the undergraduate level. With this in mind, you’ll find most of our High School courses are offered at the Honors/AP level. Believe me when I say, our academic offerings are the BEST IN THE WORLD!
I know what you’re thinking…how do you do it? The recipe for this success is the small class sizes. Even with the continued growth we’ve seen in the school, we’ve hired additional teachers to ensure we maintain small class sizes and meet students at their levels. In other schools, it would be rare to find a Math or English class of only 6-10 students. Here at Kindi, this is common. We meet students where they are at and work with them throughout the year to build them up and get them working at or above grade level. By the end of the year, you’ll notice tons of growth with your students. I still remember a student from my first 6th grade class years ago that couldn’t write well. By the end of that year, working with our English Teachers, that student quickly became one of the strongest writers…all due to the individualized attention that we are able to provide here at Kindi.
It’s worth mentioning that our academic successes wouldn’t be possible without our amazing and dedicated faculty. Our teachers are the most hardworking educators you’ll ever find in a school. The highlight of my day is getting to see all the exciting things happening in our classrooms. Our teachers’ passion for education and helping our students shows in all the work they do. It takes a lot of effort on the part of the teacher to ensure that we get our students to achieve mastery of our learning goals, and I applaud each and every one of our teachers for all of their hard work and dedication to our school.
The transition to Kindi can be challenging sometimes. With the greater rigor in our academics compared to other schools, you’ll also notice a greater workload at times. It’s important to work with your children on organization and time management. Teachers work hard in the beginning weeks, encouraging students to use their planners to stay on top of their work. This is my biggest piece of advice - students, use the planners, and parents, please check to make sure they are writing in them! You can always check Google Classroom to see what’s assigned as well in the upper grades. It may seem like a lot in the beginning, but believe me, with hard work and dedication, you’ll notice such great improvements with your children by the end of the year.
I applaud you for choosing Kindi Academy as the school for your children! Wishing you all continued success and academic achievement this year. If you have any questions about our academic offerings, please email at [email protected]
Sevim Memisovski Dean of Curriculum and Instruction Kindi Academy
Thanks to Our GOLD Athletic Program Sponsors
Thanks to Our SILVER Athletic Program Sponsors
Eagles of the Month
September 2024 Eagle of the Month
Theme: Responsibility
Room 3 G1- Safina Pardesi G2- Noora Hussain G3- Maliha Ahmed Room 4 G1 Asiya Iftekhar G2 Zoya Ali G3 Amin Khan Room 7 G1 Dragosh Toma G2: Amir Adhami G3: Yasin Akhtar Room 8 G1:Asma Qato G2: Maysaloun Awad G3: Jawaria Chaudry 4th Grade Ayra Khan Zahra Surti Yusuf Mitchell 5th Grade Iman Garcia Reem Alhamoud 6th Grade Umar Afzal Anam Baig 7th Grade Iqra Siddiqui 8th Grade Abid Aslam 10th Grade Syed Imthiyaz
As always, GO EAGLES!!!
News from our 3-6 Classrooms
“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period of birth to the age of six.” ~ Maria Montessori
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! September has been a busy, exciting, and fun month! We started the year by coming up with classroom rules with our students. Among other things, we practiced rolling rugs, walking around a rug without stepping on someone’s work, using our inside voices and quiet feet, and demonstrated grace and courtesy (i.e., being polite, sharing, taking turns, waiting patiently). We have discussed the importance of taking care of our environment, the classroom, and the materials as well as taking care of ourselves. The children have not wasted any time and are working on sounds, blending, word building, reading comprehension, numbers, art, practical life, and so much more! Being a Montessori child focuses on independence and personal growth, both academically and emotionally. We encourage children to try things on their own and help them only if needed. By doing this, children are given the opportunity to build confidence, self-pride, and self-motivation.
September is the month about apples! Children learned about the parts of an apple and its life cycle. They also listened to a story about Johnny Appleseed and learned what he did to help others and how he got the name, “Appleseed.” The children had a fun time exploring All Seasons Orchard for their first field trip! They enjoyed climbing on tractors, a wagon ride to the apple orchard, picking apples to take home, learning about bees and pollination, and visiting the petting zoo where they fed goats, chickens, and ducks! Everyone took home fresh picked apples and apple cider donuts! YUM! We look forward to going to Brookfield Zoo for our next field trip in October!
~3-6 Montessori Program
Updates from Our 6-9 Classroom
"Free the child's potential and you will transform him into the world" - Dr. Maria Montessori Fall is quickly upon us and our school year is in full swing! Our students have been very busy and excited about their learning. Everyday brings a new joy to the children for their accomplishments.
Our First year students stepped into a new level of independence where they are immersed in learning how to construct sentences with proper structure. We are working on penmanship and reading with spelling rules simultaneously. They are on the road to develop their Math concepts using the unique and scientific Montessori Materials, which will enhance their mathematical mind and organizational skills. They are building relationships and connections to the math concepts They are taking pride in making their solar system booklets. They are learning about cardinal directions and concepts of Botany and Zoology with small projects.
Our Second year students are refining their skills of writing descriptive stories. Word study is the major part of developing their understanding for further advanced work. They are enthusiastic to use a Dictionary and Thesaurus. Creating and constructing sentences with correct use of punctuation marks is an integral part of their work. They have started to analyze the sentences with the function of parts of speech. They have been introduced to write 2, 3 and 4 times tables and advanced concepts of multiplication and division using the Stamp Game, a very unique Montessori material. The concept of addition of fractions with like denominators has been introduced with Montessori materials. Social sciences are an integral part of their learning and they are taking pride in creating projects. Students are learning geometrical concepts and integrating with art and design.
Our Third year students are diving into paragraph writing using proofreading strategies. Higher level of grammar and word study has been introduced to strengthen their writing skills. Advanced levels of multiplication and long division problems have been introduced to strengthen their precision using the Montessori materials. They have been introduced equivalent fractions. Students are excited to learn the lowest common multiples which will serve as the basis of addition, subtraction of unlike denominators. Students will be taking timed, times table tests using their working memory. Children are demonstrating a high level of work in producing social sciences projects.
We are excited for the upcoming presentations of students' autobiographies, which is a beautiful way to connect to their lives.
Our first field trip to All Seasons Orchard farm was a huge success! Students had a great time.
Children are well settled into their class routine. We are enjoying and celebrating their everyday accomplishments, academic collaboration and teamwork.
Our children are practicing and learning acts of kindness and sharing with their friends. This activity will encourage them to use kindness in their words, thinking and actions.
We look forward to a wonderful year!
Warmly, 6-9 Teachers Team
Updates from 4th Grade
4th Grade - Ms. Sameena English The studious students are reading the text and giving amazing responses in the classroom! They are enjoying the variety of texts and responding with expressions that are descriptive and engaging. The learning zone is blooming with excellence and creativity in every field of language skills. The students have read short stories, passages and thematic lessons that are educational and informative. The activities are based on standards to enhance the learning and give them experience in their own fields. The students have been sharing their responses with each other so that they become bold and fearless! Grammar, punctuation exercises, and vocabulary workshops are being held to expand their vocabulary and enhance the writing style. They have been taught to make their responses engaging and inspiring. The inquisitive students are learning to analyse, infer and predict the impact of the situation mentioned in the text and sharing their perceptions vividly!
4th Grade Science Fourth grade Kindi students have begun their exciting exploration as scientists beginning with learning about the five steps in the scientific method. Students have analyzed how high a ball can bounce on various surfaces, experimented with salt in hot and cold water to witness diffusion, and classified the parts of three species of flowers. We have begun studying the characteristics of plants and animals in order to classify them.
4th Grade English - Ms. Ashley Fourth grade Kindi students have already crafted distinctive narrative essays, read short stories, and are reading the novel Holes. Most recently we have had in depth discussions about the main character, Stanley Yelnats, in regards to his situation, and have analyzed character relationships and the impact upon plot. Students will be creating a book cover as a final project. This project will be due on Friday October 18th. 4th Grade English - Mrs. Fasiczka The students have had a great first few weeks of school! They are adjusting well. We have been reading Wonder after starting the year reviewing short stories and plot elements. They also practice grammar with our daily paragraph editing work. Finally, we have been working on vocabulary skills with the Sadlier Vocabulary program.
Happenings in the Science Room
5th Grade Science - Mrs. Ella This newsletter highlights our current topics we have covered and currently covering: Earth Spheres, Layers of the Earth, and Minerals and Rocks. We’re thrilled to engage our students in hands-on projects that have and will deepen their understanding of these essential concepts. 1. Earth Spheres: We are exploring the four main spheres of the Earth: -Atmosphere (air) - Geosphere (land) -Hydrosphere (water) -Biosphere (life) Students will learn how these spheres interact and impact our environment. They’ll discover how changes in one sphere can affect the others, leading to phenomena like weather patterns, ecosystems, and geological events. 2. Layers of the Earth: We will delve into the structure of our planet, focusing on: -Crust -Mantle -Outer Core -Inner Core. Students will gain an understanding of each layer’s composition and characteristics, using models and diagrams to visualize the Earth’s inner workings. 3. Minerals and Rocks: Students will identify various minerals and rocks, learning about their properties, classification, and significance. We’ll discuss the rock cycle, including the processes of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock formation. --- Our Classroom Projects: To bring these concepts to life, we have planned and engaged in some very fun projects: 1. Earth Sphere Diorama: Students created a diorama that represented the Earth’s spheres. They chose a specific ecosystem to showcase how the spheres interact within that environment. This project helped students visualize the connections between the different spheres. 2. Layers of the Earth Model: Using different materials (such as clay, foam, or paper), students constructed a 3D model of the Earth’s layers. This hands-on activity reinforced their understanding of the layers' characteristics and depths. 3. Rock and Mineral Collection: (starting this project this week) We encourage students to start a small collection of rocks and minerals. They can research the origins and classifications of their samples and present their findings to the class. This project promotes observation skills and research. Encourage your child to explore the outdoors! Collecting rocks, observing different landscapes, or even researching local geology can significantly enhance their learning experience. Visit local museums or nature centers to spark their interest in Earth Science. 6th grade - Ms. Jameel During September, the 6th graders were introduced to microscopes, cells, organelles and their functions. They created the cell membrane structure to understand how it works and its parts. They also will be creating a 3D cell to bring the unit to an end.
9th grade - Ms. Jameel The 9th graders started getting familiar with microscopes and how to mount slides. Once they knew how to make slides, they had a lab where they got to create microspheres and coacervates. We have been covering the origins of life, evolution, evidence of evolution and evolution of populations.
Chemistry - Ms. Ella Chemistry this month has been very fun and engaging! In chemistry, our students explored the fascinating world of atomic models, the periodic table, and continuing with electron configurations, all going hand in hand with engaging lab activities. The past few weeks have been a productive period of learning, and we wanted to keep you informed about their progress and experiences in class. Throughout these lessons and activities, your children have gained a deeper appreciation for the scientific process. They now have a solid understanding of how atomic models have changed over time and why experimentation is crucial to scientific discovery. Moreover, by working together during the lab, they developed teamwork and problem-solving skills. We believe that these experiences will help build a strong foundation in chemistry and enhance their critical thinking abilities. Your children have demonstrated curiosity, enthusiasm, and perseverance in tackling these challenging concepts. Anatomy and Physiology - Ms. Ella We are very excited that our class has conducted a chicken leg dissection as part of our Anatomy and Physiology curriculum! This hands-on activity will provide students with a unique opportunity to explore the structure and function of muscles, bones, and tendons in a real-world context. We encourage parents to engage with their children about this experience. Discuss what they learned and the importance of anatomy in understanding how our bodies function! Understanding Anatomy: Students learned about the major bones and muscles in the chicken leg and how they relate to human anatomy. Developing Dissection Skills: This activity helped students develop careful handling skills and an appreciation for biological structures. During the dissection, students identified key anatomical structures such as the femur, tibia, and various muscles. They observed the connective tissues like tendons and ligaments. They discussed the function of each part and its relevance to movement. All dissection activities have been conducted under strict safety guidelines to ensure a safe and educational environment.
News from our Middle School
English 5th Grade English - Ms. Ashley Fifth grade Kindi students read short stories- mainly fairytales and fables. We are presently reading Esperanza Rising, the story of Esperanza the only daughter of wealthy Mexican parents, and follows the events that occur after her father's murder. This novel is historical fiction and takes place during the Great Depression in which racism and inequality are themes. Students will have a final project due on Monday, October 14th in which they will discuss the major themes throughout the novel by using textual evidence. 5th Grade English - Ms. Sameena The amazing students are reading the inspiring books and other text to learn new words and techniques of writing. They are absorbing the lessons with main idea, conflict and resolution to enlighten themselves in important areas. The super students are learning about language skills and their significance in their lives as a learner. They have read a novel on fiction and elucidated the characters and their challenges in an interactive form and that helped them in sharing the experience with precision! They are showing the passion for learning and blending their thoughts into beautiful stories and situations 6th Grade English - Ms. Sameena The superb students are reading a lot and writing to learn to express themselves! They are learning to expand the sentences and use words to describe the characters. They have been reading short paragraphs, poems and articles to enhance their readability, sentence structure and writing style! Their work is improving and presentation skills are great as they add illustrations to give their responses a different dimension. They wrote on a variety of topics to learn to punctuate correctly and chose a new ending to exemplify their learning experience. Furthermore, they are also learning to analyse the text and reflect on situations given in the course which is adding shine to their work. In addition, they have expressed their thoughts and ideas on the features of the characters and developed their own characters to show the process of absorbing the learning and sharing a unique conclusion! The active learners are answering the questions on vocabulary workshops with clarity and correctness and this shows how they are grasping the content successfully. Creative Expression - Ms.Sameena The creative students have been writing about their experiences and sharing in the classroom with confidence, clarity and precision! They wrote on a variety of topics and described their thoughts on topics like nature, passion, patterns, painting and poems. The presentations were amazing as they spoke about their experiences, perceptions and priorities in a wonderful way. The imaginative students worked on their expressions and presented the text beautifully! The students acted as an engaging audience and showed their talent in expressing their enthusiasm. They are participating in each activity with willingness to improve and define their skills. The responses are awesome as they answer questions and provide examples to show their understanding of the topic. 8th Grade English - Dr. Mark They have been learning about the Middle Ages and have explored both the Old English masterpiece Beowulf and selections from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. They have also researched and given collaborative presentations on different Arthurian characters. 9th Grade Honors English - Dr. Mark students are continuing their study of The Count of Monte Cristo, which is an unfathomable source of adventure, intrigue, and romance. They have most recently crafted scripts for YouTube-stye reviews of the novel as they understand it so far. The reviews are brimming with enthusiasm and are a pleasure to read. 10th Grade Honors American Literature - Dr. Mark just finished an extensive unit on the American Puritans, which culminated in a close study of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. This week, we plunge forward into a new unit centered on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is no Puritan, but he is bookish in the most agreeable sort of way. A genuine “character.” AP English - Dr. Mark The AP students have just completed a long unit centered on what it means to be educated. They have read and written in response to essays by Walker Percy, Richard Rodriguez, Gloria Anzaldúa, and W. E. B. Dubois. This week they will reshape one of the essays they have written into a college admissions essay. Meanwhile, they are getting just gearing up for a new bout of reading and writing centered on visual literacy. We started with the essay “Ways of Seeing” by John Berger and are about to take up Art Spiegelman’s masterful Holocaust narrative, MAUS. 5th Grade English - Ms.Kayla Our students have successfully completed reading Esperanza Rising. They’ve also been practicing essential reading skills, such as making inferences, analyzing character development, and identifying key themes and symbols. In addition, students have worked through the first three units of the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Book. This has not only expanded their vocabulary but also improved their understanding of word meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and how to use new words in context. Studentshave just completed their very first narrative essay! They have embraced the writing process, from brainstorming to drafting, revising, and finally sharing their polished pieces. Each student chose a personal experience to bring to life, learning how to structure their narratives with clear beginnings, middles, and ends. 6th Grade English - Ms.Kayla Our class has successfully finished reading The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton’s novel about friendship, identity, and the struggles between social classes. Additionally, they’ve been using their analytical skills by exploring character motivations, examining conflicts, and identifying literary devices used throughout the novel. Our students have also made great strides in building their vocabulary. So far, they’ve completed the first three units of the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Book. Each unit has challenged them to learn new words, explore synonyms and antonyms, and practice using these terms in meaningful contexts. Students have written and submitted their first narrative essays of the year! This assignment allowed them to express personal experiences or imagined stories. From brainstorming initial ideas to drafting, revising, and finalizing their work, the students engaged fully in the writing process. Many of their essays showcased impressive creativity, descriptive language, and thoughtful storytelling. In this class, I’ve placed a strong emphasis on collaboration and peer support. I’ve seen students working together on a variety of tasks, from peer-editing during writing workshops to group discussions about The Outsiders. 7th Grade English - Ms.Kayla Our class is currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, a novel that explores issues of race, class, and courage during the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s Mississippi. Through this unit, students are sharpening their critical thinking skills as they analyze the characters' motivations, identify the novel’s central themes, and explore the historical and social context in which the story is set. In addition, the students have been working through the first three units of the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Book. Their vocabulary knowledge is expanding as they tackle new words, explore synonyms, antonyms, and practice using these terms in context. The students completed their first narrative essay of the year. I was thrilled to see their creativity and enthusiasm shine as they crafted personal stories. Throughout the writing process, students learned how to organize their ideas, develop strong introductions and conclusions, and use descriptive language to make their stories come alive.
6th Grade English - Ms. Fasiczka In 6th grade we have been working on the elements of a plot diagram to begin the year. The students recently also began reading Refugee and are almost finished! Along with daily editing practice and vocabulary work, a nice routine for the year is getting underway. We will begin our narrative essays in the next few weeks. 7th Grade English - Ms. Fasiczka The seventh graders started their study of literature analyzing short stories with suspenseful elements. They are currently reading The Help and will complete a narrative essay when they finish reading. Finally, we have been reviewing grammar and analogies with daily language arts activities and working on the Sadlier Vocabulary program. 4th Grade Tech - Ms. Fasiczka The 4th graders in 4B have been having a great time in technology class! We have been working on the basics of the Google suite, such as Google docs and slides. They are also working their way through the Typetastic program to improve their keyboarding skills.
Updates From Social Studies
5th Grade Ancient World History - Mr. Aukst We have completed Mesopotamian civilizations that included Sumer, Babylon, Persia, and others. In addition, students completed a project on a civilization that consisted of an informational poster and creating an artifact. We have completed section 1 of Ancient Egypt. We have gone through presentations, completed in-depth worksheets, watched educational videos, completed maps, and had some great discussions.
9th Grade AP World History - Mr. Aukst Students have completed a great deal of work in this class. We have completed a total of 12 chapters that started with the Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islam through Early Latin America. Each chapter requires students to complete key terms and answer essay questions. In addition, students have completed two DBQs and one LEQ writing assignment. 7th Grade US History We have completed a unit on the 13 Colonies, and students did a presentation project on one of the 13 Colonies. We also completed the French and Indian War. We are currently in the last section of the American Revolution. We completed the Causes of the Revolution, People of the Revolution, and the Enlightenment. In addition, students completed maps, worksheets, and a DBQ. We are on the last section of the American Revolution. 8th Grade Modern World History - Mr. Aukst Students have completed the Renaissance, Reformation, Muslim World Expands, and the Age of Exploration. We will complete Absolute Monarchs, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment this week. They have also completed two DBQ and a couple of short projects. We have gone through presentations, completed in-depth worksheets, watched educational videos, and had some great discussions.
AP US Government - Mr. Sevim Memisovski We’ve completed our study of the Foundations of Government and American Political Beliefs and Ideology. Students are now learning about the structure of our government and how the various branches work together in order to make effective changes in our country. It’s a great time to take AP Government with the Presidential Election taking place now. Stay tuned for more information about the election and our own Mock Election at Kindi!
AP US History - Mr. Sevim Memisovski Our AP US History students have been hard at work completing the first few time periods of the school year. We’ve learned about Pre-Columbian Exploration, Colonization of the New World, the American Revolution, and the early days of the new nation. Students have spent time engaging with primary source documents, including some very interesting letters from Alexander Hamilton. We’re now in the midst of our first LEQ Essay on the War of 1812, before we jump into the units on Jacksonian America, American Expansionism, and Antebellum America.
Updates from Physics
In physics, we’ve covered units and unit conversions, equilibrium, forces, and Newton’s first law of inertia. We also practiced drawing force-body diagrams with vector components. Currently, we’re working on position, speed, velocity, and acceleration graphs, as well as exploring free fall.
Our lab activities have included balancing cups on sticks, a spaghetti and marshmallow tower-building competition, and flipping pennies into a bottle and a simulation called “ The Moving Man”.
Project: Seatbelt Ad Assignment. This project explored the connection between inertia and seat belt safety. Students researched the importance of buckling up, investigated accidents involving the lack of seat belt use, and created posters to raise awareness about seat belt safety.
Updates from Psychology
Ms. Ahed's Advanced Placement Psychology Class - I am thrilled to share some exciting updates from our AP Psychology class! This quarter, our high school students have been diving deep into the fascinating world of psychology, studying influential psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, and many others who have shaped the field. Each student had the opportunity to research a psychologist and present their findings to the class. For example, some students explored Freud's psychoanalytic theory, discussing concepts like the unconscious mind and defense mechanisms, while others focused on Skinner’s behavioral theories, explaining the principles of operant conditioning and reinforcement. These presentations allowed students to develop a deeper understanding of the theorists' contributions and how their ideas continue to influence modern psychology.
Looking ahead to the next quarter, we are excited to shift our focus to psychological disorders. Students will analyze a variety of disorders, learning about their symptoms, causes, and treatments. We’ll be using the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition) to explore these topics in depth, which will give students a comprehensive understanding of how mental health professionals diagnose and categorize psychological conditions.
This upcoming quarter will be SUPER engaging and thought-provoking, as we dive into real-world applications of psychology and prepare our students for the AP exam. We are excited to see our students continue to grow in their knowledge and critical thinking skills.
Updates from Gym
The beginning of the year is always a challenge. New curriculum and fresh activities with the addition of new and returning students can be a bit hectic, but through all chaos there’s loads of fun with learning being the driving force through it all. High school and middle school students have engaged in a plethora of activities including, pickleball, ultimate frisbee and recently basketball. Students not only are playing sports and getting their bodies active, but also their minds with health classes. We’ve recently learned the importance of exercise, hydration, sleep and the intentions/procedure of processed foods. Mental and emotional health plus the management of stress have also been topics discussed and studied.
Elementary has been more focused on team based activities versus the traditional orthodox sports. The intention is to have students challenge themselves to cooperate with fellow classmates in order to achieve a goal. Relay races, variations of tug of war and other activities promote teamwork and selflessness. Elementary also got a taste of health class with an introduction to the importance of staying active, balance diet and exercise.
Girls basketball has also started with boys basketball not far behind. We are looking to continue to grow and improve by learning the intricacies of basketball in order for players to build better understanding and execute at a high level. It’s an uphill battle with such an inexperienced team, but we are ready to take on the challenge and overcome.
Updates from Art
3-6 Our Little people at Kindi have been quite busy! Starting the year with finger painting! Exploring the world of bugs! And gradually moving into the colorful changes of the season and harvest! Our students continue to practice cause and effect, such as how pushing harder with a crayon makes a color darker! We continue to work on motor skills with art tools, especially crayons, and scissors.
4th Grade Our new transitioning students are adapting to their new normal, notably in Art! They’ve learned the 7 Elements of Art on another level! They’ve reviewed and studied the artist Piet Mondrian and his famous “Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow!” In addition, they’ve been introduced to the most important tools of painting “THE BRUSHES!” Who knew each brush had a name and each with a different purpose?! We’re closing the quarter putting to practice “The Filbert Brush” on a very special homage to Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” Our 4th grade students have done an exceptional job! Please stop by the Art Hall for a Peek!
7th Grade Middle school art is a bit more challenging yet satisfying, Our students dive into the world of different artists’ Studying their lives, their techniques, and famous art pieces! They drew like Picasso and painted with emotion like Jackson Pollock! Also made a lot of little “Happy Accidents” on Bob Ross replicas! The 7th Grade Art Gallery will be on display soon! Don’t miss it.
Updates from Debate Class
I am thrilled to share some of the incredible discussions and debates that have been happening in our 6th-grade classroom! Recently, the students have been diving into a variety of thought-provoking topics, showcasing their intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. One of the first debates explored the differences between private schools and public schools, where students discussed which might be better for education. They also touched on the topic of school uniforms, with many students expressing how uniforms promote a sense of equality when everyone is wearing the same clothes. Another fun debate centered around whether students should be allowed to have cellphones in school. Students presented their arguments on both sides, looking into the benefits and potential distractions of having cellphones in the classroom. Last week, the students were challenged with a powerful question: "If you became president, what would your future vision be?" The students researched and discussed important topics such as gun laws, healthcare, inflation, and wars. Their ideas and proposals were impressive, demonstrating not only their deep understanding of current events but also their passion for improving the world around them. It has been remarkable to see how insightful our students are. Through these debates, they’ve learned how to form well-rounded arguments, listen respectfully to differing viewpoints, and work with one another to explore complex issues.
Updates from our spanish classroom
Spanish with Maestra Maria Herrero:
¡Hola Familias!
I hope you’ve had a good start to the school year. We’ve begun with much joy and excitement in this first month and a half. The students in the 3-6 program started with colors as they do every year. Little by little, we have introduced the seasons, the opposites grande-pequeño (big- small), arriba-abajo (up-down), frío-calor (cold-hot), basic geometric shapes, numbers from 1 to 30, weather conditions, the days of the week, and the months of the year. This year, we incorporated a new book that reviews all these concepts in a fun way. It’s the book Hola, and the kids have loved it. In the 6-9 program, all the students worked on the school supplies unit and the frequently used verb “necesito” (I need). This way, they acquired the tools to ask for what they needed during class in Spanish. Additionally, in the first few days, we worked on class rules and the order in which I wanted the Spanish class to begin. These foundations are essential for everything to flow smoothly for the rest of the year. The 1st graders started by working on writing the colors. We began the first story of the year, La ardilla y la bellota (The Squirrel and the Acorn), a fall story where the High Frequency Words learned were: ardilla (squirrel), bellota (acorn), otoño (fall), hoja (leaf), quiere (wants), busca (looks for), and hay (there is). These types of stories take several weeks, so we haven’t finished it yet. During October, the children will bring home a mini-book to share the story with their families. The 2nd graders also started by reviewing the writing of the colors, but by writing the song we sing in class. In their case, the story we’re working on in class is called El monstruo va a la escuela (The Monster Goes to School), a story related to school supplies. The HFWs we’re working on are: necesito (I need), tengo (I have), tiene (he/she has), va (goes), está (is), and dice (says). We will finish all activities throughout October. The 3rd graders completed their work on school supplies with a speaking activity where they had to find out who in the class had each of the objects that had been “lost” in the room. The story we’re working on is called La iguana quiere lechuga (The Iguana Wants Lettuce), a fun story where we work with the following HFWs: iguana (iguana), oso (bear), cocodrilo (crocodile), oso (bear), va (goes), come (ea ts), llora (cries), quiere (wants), tiene hambre (is hungry), hay (there is), and dice (says). We’re continuing to work on the story and will finish it in October. The 4th graders are slowly adapting to the new way of working in Spanish by following the book Viva el Español. We began the school year reviewing basic questions with the song by Basko that they learned in 3rd grade and a new song by Adam and Ana. We’ve just finished the introductory and review unit 0. They have worked on school supplies,
greetings, writing numbers from 0 to 30, how to read basic math operations in Spanish, and how to ask for a phone number. The 5th graders also started by reviewing basic questions and greetings. They began the year with Unit 6 of the book Viva el Español, which we’ve just finished with the reading of Puerto Rico and the final test. In this unit, we worked on the seasons, the months of the year, important dates, the verb gustar (to like), the conjugation in the third person singular of basic verbs from the first conjugation such as nadar (swim), bailar (dance), caminar (walk), patinar (skate), and frequency adverbs like siempre (always), nunca (never), and a veces (sometimes). Have a great October. Best regards,
Spanish with Maestra Maria Mendez: Hola a todos!
It is October already and we have learned a lot!
3rd Graders have worked on greetings, using songs and engaging videos to learn more vocabulary. In addition, we've also reviewed colors, numbers, classroom objects and soon we will learn about weather and farm animals. 5th graders learned more about activities in every season of the year. What they like to do and what they don't like to do and some frequency adverbs, they also learned about different Spanish traditions. 6th Graders are able to greet and Spanish and have completed a review of weather vocabulary and Alphabet. In addition, they will continue Unit 1 learning about things and activities they like and don't like. For 7 th Grade we have been learning about expressions with I like, I don’t like and other activities related to food and grocery shopping. We have been reviewing and learning about vocabulary. They learned how to write a letter to the principal and how to reply to it!
In 8th Grade we learned about the verbs ‘saber’ and ‘conocer 'and we have been talking about sports, the equipment used in every sport and the places where each one takes place. Students also worked on the design of a flag for the Kindi team and talked about the Dominican Republic. I am proud of the improvement of the group so far.
Spanish for HS 2 The students in this class have learned how to say commands in Spanish as well as how to say recipes and ingredients in a recipe, they have learned vocabulary and soon they will be able to order food in a restaurant.
Spanish HS 3 The students in this class are able to produce written texts to talk about what they have done in their vacations and family trips, they have learned how to conjugate verbs in different tenses and they wrote postcards to their friends! Ms. Maria Mendez
5th Grade Spanish Class - Mrs. Alicia I’m excited to share the wonderful progress your child has made in Spanish class! Since the start of the school year, we’ve focused on several important language skills. The students have learned how to say the months of the year in Spanish and are now able to talk about what they like and don’t like to do during different months. They’ve also practiced talking about who is doing certain activities, helping them build simple sentences about daily life. Finally, they’ve had fun learning to talk about dates, like their birthdays, and asking about the birthdays of others. I’m very proud of their hard work and look forward to seeing them continue to grow in their Spanish skills as the year goes on. 6th Grade Spanish Class - Mrs Alicia I hope you are doing well! I am excited to share what your children have been learning in 6th grade Spanish class since the beginning of the school year. The students have been enthusiastic and fully engaged in our lessons, and we have been working through “Lección Preliminar” with great success. In this unit, the students have learned how to greet people and say goodbye in Spanish, introduce themselves and others, and ask how to spell names. They have also practiced saying where they are from and exchanging phone numbers in Spanish, which has been a fun way to get everyone involved. Additionally, they’ve learned to talk about the days of the week which has provided them with useful vocabulary to begin simple conversations. Throughout this lesson, we’ve focused on making the learning interactive and practical, so the students can use what they’ve learned in everyday situations. Their participation and enthusiasm have made our activities enjoyable and productive. We are now nearing the end of “Lección Preliminar”, and the students are well-prepared to move on to the next stage in their Spanish learning journey. 7th Grade Spanish Class - Mrs Alicia I hope you're doing well! I’m excited to share an update on what your child has been learning in 7th grade Spanish. We have just finished Unit 3, Lesson 1: "Mi comida favorita"from the Avancemos 1 textbook. In this lesson, the students learned how to talk about different foods and beverages, ask questions, and express their likes and dislikes. They also worked on using “gustar” to talk about what they enjoy, and practiced how to form and use interrogative words like who, what, and where. In addition, the class learned how to use -er and -ir verbs in the present tense, and we focused on using the verb “hacer” (to do or to make) in various contexts. As we move ahead, we will soon begin “Unit 3, Lesson 2: "En mi familia,"where the students will talk about their families, and learn about family traditions and celebrations. 8th Grade Spanish Class - Mrs Alicia I hope this message finds you well! I am excited to share an update on your child's progress in our 8th Grade Spanish class. We began the new school year with “Unit 7, Lesson 1” from the Avancemos 1 textbook, and I am pleased to report that the students have been doing an outstanding job. In this unit, the students have been learning how to talk about technology and its role in their daily lives, expanding their vocabulary and ability to discuss various technological devices and activities. They are also working on describing a series of events, which allows them to narrate past experiences in a more structured and detailed way. This has been especially helpful as they’ve learned to use the “preterite tense” of regular -er and -ir verbs, which is essential for talking about completed actions in the past. Additionally, the class has been practicing how to talk about indefinite and negative situations, learning to use affirmative and negative words like “algo” (something), “nada” (nothing), “siempre” (always), and “nunca”(never). This is helping them form more nuanced sentences and express a wider range of ideas. To support their learning, we’ve been using a variety of resources, including “videos and audios”, which give them a more immersive experience to practice listening and speaking skills. We also place a strong emphasis on “reading and writing”, ensuring that they develop well-rounded language skills. The class has shown remarkable progress, and their performance so far has been excellent. I’m proud of their hard work and dedication, and I look forward to seeing them continue to thrive. As always, thank you for your support in your child’s language education.
Updates from our Arabic Room
October 2024 Arabic and IS. Newsletter Quran Islamic Studies and Arabic Department:
Salam and welcome to our department October Newsletter Update.
Last week with the sponsoring and appreciated cooperation of our wonderful, devoted Parents in Kindi, students celebrated the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad by enjoying listening to Islamic Nasheed (While tasting some of the admirable foods to our Prophet).
Pre-3, Pre-4, and KG In Arabic, our little learners have been working hard on mastering their letters, learning new vocabulary, and exploring colors, shapes, and numbers in Arabic. It’s wonderful to see them growing in their language skills! In Islamic Studies, the children have been learning about Allah, our Creator, and all the beautiful things He has created for us. Our KG students particularly enjoyed learning the story of Surat Al-Fil, while our Pre-3 and Pre-4 classes were captivated by the story of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These stories are helping them understand the beauty and depth of our faith. We look forward to continuing this journey of learning together!
From the Desk of Ms. Lina Eltibi.
Grades 6-9: Arabic:
In our 1st-grade classes, students are making great strides as they learn the shapes of the letters and focus on improving their handwriting in their notebooks. They are enthusiastically exploring a variety of topics, including the days of the week, seasons, weather, colors, and more. Alongside these concepts, they are also expanding their vocabulary, making their learning experience both dynamic and enjoyable.
In our 2nd-grade classes, students have been actively reviewing the shapes of the letters and starting each lesson by learning the days of the week, weather, and seasons. Currently, we are diving into the vibrant world of colors, exploring both their feminine and masculine forms. The kids are excited to discover new words and expressions related to colors, making their learning experience both fun and educational!
In our 3rd-grade Arabic class, students are having a great time learning how to greet one another in Arabic, fostering their conversational skills. They are also working on writing their short autobiographies in Arabic. This little project enhances their writing abilities, also learning how to introduce themselves using the Arabic language.
6-9 Islamic Studies: In Islamic Studies, our students are delving into the foundational Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman (faith), gaining a deeper understanding of their significance. They are also learning about the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which enriches their knowledge and connection to their faith. In addition to these important topics, students are actively working on memorizing new surahs and exploring their meanings.
Upper Elementary 4th & 5th, Middle School and High School Quran and Islamic Studies: In class, students are working on improving their Quranic pronunciation while memorizing and understanding its meanings through simple Tafseer. They are encouraged to memorize the assigned Surah and the frequently occurring words within it. We are blessed to have a good number of Hafez (those who have completed the memorization of the Holy Quran). These wonderful students lead the Zuhr prayer and Friday’s Khutbah. May Allah place His Barakat on them and all our lovely young Muslims. Students in the upper grades are encouraged to apply their study of Islamic teachings and the Sirah (the life of our Prophet, peace be upon him) by writing essays, preparing slides, and presenting them to their classmates. This year, we began by reviewing the Sirah, as well as the basics of Salah and cleanliness.
In 8th grade, we are studying a course prepared by Yaqeen Institute called "How the Prophet (PBUH) Rose Above Enmity" to understand how to defend our Deen and ourselves with emotional control, making decisions with wisdom, and considering their outcomes thoughtfully.
Arabic: The start of every school year presents a challenge for our young Arabic learners. With a variety of projects, hands-on activities, songs, Kahoot, and games, we have begun this year by refreshing their language skills after the long summer break, striving to meet our goals in studying the beautiful Arabic language. Our Arabic starters are learning basic reading and spelling skills while building their vocabulary with everyday calendar words, days of the week, and colors. Most of our upper-grade students have covered units on greetings and introductions, in addition to reviewing family vocabulary and school supplies. We look forward to a wonderful and enriching year!
from the deskof Ms. Hayat Al-Quttub Head of Islamic and Arabic Department