February is tough in Chicago. So, let’s all try to smile more, tap into our sense of humor, and have a bit more fun with our children. As much as possible, try not to complain about the weather in front of your kids, rather discuss its many wonders. It is ok to say it is cold but not in a frustrated tone.
That being said, with winter firmly establishing itself in our midst the past two month, and the serious cold we are experiencing, please remember that children are especially vulnerable to getting “too cold”! What’s too cold? Another way of putting it is “hypothermia” or “frostbite”. Our young children depend on their parents and caregivers to dress them appropriately for the cold. Teens need to be reminded of how to dress – even if it’s not always “cool” to dress warmly. So, please continue to remind them, while smiling!
In school we trust! The heart of any school is trust. Trust among teachers. Trust between teachers and administration. Trust between school staff and parents. But most important of all is trust between children and adults. Why is this so important? Because it puts every single adult in the community of Kindi Academy on one team, serving one goal. We all want the success of our children. This collective mission is what will keep us all motivated to always work together as a team. We can, and will, occasionally disagree on policies and procedures here and there, but we have a strong relationship rooted in trust. When you drop your children off to school you may wonder if they are going to enjoy math today, or have fun during recess. But, one thing for sure they don’t wonder that is if we love them, care for them, and keep them safe. your child is our number ONE focus! You trust us to make sure your child is safe and learning, and we take that trust very seriously. Not because it is a job to do, but it’s a mission we live every single day. I want to assure you that every decision we make is focused around both Safety and Learning. Your children are in Good Hands!
Black History Month Finally, please take the time to celebrate Black History month with your children. Show them that compassion, love, and humanity extends beyond the home, beyond school lesson plans, and beyond a news report. Make it a point to discuss and explain the importance of this month to your child as a citizen of this country we call home. Some recommended sites to visit would be:
Grace and Courtesy lessons are an integral part of the Montessori curriculum. Lessons in Grace and Courtesy help in preparing the children for their life. These lessons help the children to navigate in life and build strong friendships in their community. They also teach them to be compassionate and kind members of the society. The lessons in Grace and Courtesy begin in the 3-6 program and continue to build in the elementary years. We want to build and grow the friendships in the classroom environment. These lessons are helping our children to respect all living things around them and be kind and gentle. We practice grace and courtesy in the classroom on a daily basis. This month, we reinforce the love and the care of the environment, friends and the adults around them. This month, we will study about United States of America and the presidents. This is also a great time for introduction to the concept of money. The children enjoyed learning about animals of Arctic and Antarctica. There were many interesting facts learned about whales, penguins and seals. On Wednesday, February 20, we will have our second Parent Partnership Class. We do look forward to seeing you at the class. These are designed to help parents understand the Montessori philosophy and many aspects of our classroom functions.
Updates from Our 6-9 Classroom
February has arrived and we face another busy month. We will be celebrating: African American History Month, President's Day, Maria Montessori Week and Dental Health Month.
Our class will begin Junior Achievement for all three grades in the coming weeks. Junior Achievement is a set of free classes offered to students funded by the state and businesses. Its mission is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
The First year students this month will be working on: Map skills, Parts of a Bird, Parts of a Fruit, Fundamental Needs of People, time, fractions, measurement, money, descriptive writing, and research of a famous African American for Black History Month.
The Second year students this month will be working on: Map skills, Africa country research, planet research of Jupiter, fractions, measurement, descriptive paragraph writing, and research of a famous African American for Black History Month.
The Third year students this month will be working on: Ancient Civilizations, Asia country research, GCF-Greatest Common Factor, decimals, protractor usage, animal and plant cell, map skills, and research of a famous African American for Black History Month.
Updates from upper elementary classroom
January was the month of the Big Bee!!! Students were busily studying for the big Spelling Bee, helping each other out during their free time in class. During our classroom Spelling Bee, we spelled all the words correctly on the school spelling list through 8th grade words! Everyone was sooooo excited!!! In the afternoon of the Big School-wide Bee, our class went to the gym to support our representatives. What a contest! I was so proud of our class. The students are looking forward to next year and advancing farther in the Bee.
The class is reading adventure novels: My Side of the Mountain, The Cay, and Hatchet. We are learning how the characters survived in the wilderness. At the same time, we are working on a "How To..." report and presentation that will be given in February.
Fourth grade science students have been exploring the animal kingdom. They have been studying how animals adapt to their environments. We set up a bird feeder in our courtyard and are anxiously awaiting the neighborhood birds to find it so that we may identify local species.
Social studies in fourth grade has paralleled our science lessons. We learned about the major trees native to Illinois and will be studying the local animals and birds in the coming weeks. Fifth grade is learning about Colonial America ~ what life was like for a colonist and how was it different between the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.
Happenings in the Science Room
As part of our Stars lesson, 5th grade students are learning about the stars and different constellations. They created their own constellations and wrote a mythological stories about them, Next we will be learning about the life cycle of Low-mass stars and High-Mass stars.
News from our Middle School
6th grade Social Studies students have been working on Ancient Hebrews and Ancient Greece. They have been reading Greek Myths to understand Greek values. Students are currently working on writing their own fictional Greek Myth using the proper structure and Gods and Goddesses. 7th grade Social Studies students are in the middle of their web page project on Europe. Students have one city and country they are making a travel website for to further understand the diversity of Europe. 8th grade Social Studies students are diving into the Constitution following discussion and debates on the colonial Rebellion. Students have completed an official DBQ Essay which will be something high school history classes will emphasize. We are now getting into the 3 branches of the Federal Government. Be on the lookout for a red book which we are now working out of!
This month in 8th English we have started The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.We are studying Hemingway’s very unique writing style and learning how to compare and contrast different authors’ writing styles.
In 6th and 7th English, we are reading The Story of My Life by Helen Keller—a harrowing memoir about a deaf and blind woman’s struggles to acclimate to society and achieve greatness against all odds.Students will participate in sensory-loss activities to appreciate Helen’s experience.
In grammar, we have recently concluded the adverb chapter.We are also learning how to break down a sentence and look at language technically—starting with the verb and subject.
In writing, we are completing edits for our research paper and we will then begin memoir writing.Students are encouraged to choose one indelible memory to write about using sensory language.
Updates from our spanish classroom
The 3-6 yr. old Spanish class has been learning food vocabulary and voting on their favorites! This unit heralds some of the kids' favorite songs of the year: "Chocolate" and "Soy Una Pizza."
First grade Spanish has learned a variety of clothing vocabulary. We have used adjectives to describe color and size, as well as incorporating verbs to tell which clothing we have, want, or like.
Second grade Spanish has been digging into calendar vocabulary and expressing their plans. Using forms of the verb "ir" (to go), they have been writing sentences to answer "¿Adónde vas?" (where are you going?) and "Cuándo vas?"(when are you going?)
"¡Tengo mucho frío!" (I'm very cold!) This phrase has come in quite handy in recent days! Third grade Spanish has been learning to express how they feel using "tener +noun" phrases. They are learning to conjugate the verb "tener" to agree with different subjects
Updates from our Arabic Room
Our 8th & 7th graders went into the ladder and the snake challenge to memorize the irregular plurals. We are also, so excited to start our new lesson in learning about the Islamic art. will be learning the basic in drawing the Islamic Hexagonal star with the RUMI flower decoration. Stay toned to see our Muslim Artists bringing their creations.